
Howdy. This is my site to share random things I learn regarding IT and tech. I hope you find it helpful. If you do, maybe buy me a cup of coffee? I don’t claim to be an expert and I might and probably get things wrong.

An Update

This is a bit of an update. Not that I have much to update on, but hey why not. I’ve not written much, and I’m not completely sure what to write about. Technologically I feel I’ve been all over the place with trying to learn a bunch of things like Ansible, Linux Managmenet, Kubernetes, Docker, Syslogging, and such. I’ve also upgraded my old Mac to a Framework laptop running Fedora and its been pretty amazing so far. I’m still seeting it up. ...

March 22, 2022 · 1 min · Chris

Docker and CoreDNS deployed for resiliency.

I’ve been wanting to migrate DNS servers I have in a DMZ from Windows Core to another DNS service for some time. With the Windows Core servers, zones were being transfered to the core servers to serve records to DMZ servers. I didn’t like this approach because it was transferring the whole zone and could allow a malicious actor to enumerate the whole domain. Our DNS doesn’t change that often, so the ‘manually’ updating of a file didn’t seem to big of a deal, but it is another set of records that must be kept, but in that it does provide flexibility without the dependence of Active Directory. Hopefully with good team notifications and documentation we can ensure that mismatch and errors will be an issue. I had a few goals with this project. ...

May 20, 2021 · 9 min · Chris

Tech Privacy Stack: the first layer

When we consider the tech stack we work with each day, this involves a number of devices such as a laptop or desktop, a mobile phone, tablets and perhaps tools like Amazon Echo or Apple’s HomePod. Of course there is a plethora of other tools such as watches, fitness trackers, streaming boxes (Roku and Apple TV), or smart devices like doorbells, fridges , and even toothbrushes. A lot of ground could be covered addressing these areas, but I’m not going to do that. I want to simply get you thinking about aspects of our lives that may be impacted by privacy related things that you might not ordinarily think about. ...

May 18, 2021 · 4 min · Chris

Tech Privacy Stack: an intro

Hi all, I’ve recently been thinking about what I consider to be called the ‘Tech Privacy Stack’. There is a lot of talk about privacy and security all over the Internet with pieces point to certain aspects on how to protect privacy. I think there is a holistic approach to privacy that encompasses all areas of our technological lives and we often take a complete approach to this. There are of course farther stretching privacy aspects that I won’t consider here in these posts, as I intend to only focus on technology type concerns. ...

May 7, 2021 · 2 min · Chris

Why I Left Facebook

Today I deleted Facebook. Its taken sometime to come to this conclusion. But I think I will like this decision. It wasn’t a hard one. But I wouldn’t say I didn’t have some hesitations. There is a fear of missing out or ‘connecting with others’. But in reality, I think its a false fear and misnomer that sells these services as ‘good’ and wholesome Surprisingly I don’t think many were suprised by this announcement and yet some asked why, so I thought I’d share some of those reasons. It’s nothing earth shattering but I thought I’d like to just write out my thoughts about the issue. I hope it doesn’t come across to conspiracy theorist. ...

August 1, 2020 · 4 min · Chris